Friday, May 30, 2008


So Matt & I signed up for a ballroom dance class and last night was our first class...

I have decided that I'm just not that coordinated, and that Matt has A LOT of patience. We learned steps to the Foxxy, and next week I think we learn some swing steps! It's fun, but I wasn't as quick to learn as the rest of the class so I got a little frustrated. Thank goodness Matt loves me and has patience for me :) I think there will definitely be some practice sessions occurring at home. Sorry I don't have pics, but I'm secretly glad I don't, since I'm sure I wasn't looking my loveliest.


Kas said...

Doug and I were going to take Ballroom last fall before we realized we were prego. I'm jealous :( Where you taking class?

Brianna said...

Granite School distric has a program called Grantie Peaks (, which has a ton of classes. Our class is being held at Skyline, but I'm sure there are some in your local school district...