Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quick, Like a Bandaid (ha!)

I did go in to the Social Security office today. I waited just over an hour for my 2 whole minutes at the window. It was boring and I noticed they have no clocks in there, maybe to keep you from realizing how much time has passed.....creepy.

I also decided to go to the DLD/DMV for my new license, since my name changed and I also needed a Utah license (yes, I've been back for 3 years and never changed it...so I'm a slacker, deal with it). I figured I would treat the governmental dread I had like you would a bandaid, rip it off really quickly. Get it all done in a day. But that's a really bad simile, as it wasn't quick, but I guess as quick as the government will let you be. I even had to take the written test (and fortunately passed, but hey, it was open book), so I think we were there for about an hour and a half. In a few weeks when I get my new card, I will officially be a Zwahlen!

1 comment:

Brent and Shanna Farley said...

I totally understand your pain. It took me forever at the social security office.... I should have brought a book